Skin Brushing for the Lymphatic System

 Skin Brushing for the Lymphatic System

Skin brushing is a highly effective technique for cleansing the lymphatic system. The skin is the largest organ of elimination. It plays a major role in ridding your body of the toxins and impurities that are potential sources of illness. It is estimated that the skin eliminates over one pound of waste per day. Isn't that enough to make you want to brush away those toxins?

Daily skin brushing is a vital part of an intestinal cleansing program. The skin excretes toxins and poisons present in the body, as do the kidneys and bowels. Dry skin brushing stimulates the sweat glands and increases blood circulation to underlying organs and tissues of the body.

Today's sedentary life-style, general lack of exercise, and use of antiperspirants keep people from sufficiently perspiring. As a result, toxins and metabolic waste products become trapped in the body instead of being released through sweat. Dry skin brushing opens up the pores, allowing your body to breathe and enhance proper organ function.

Types of Skin Brush

The brush used should be a long-handled, bath-type brush. It is essential that it contain only natural vegetable bristles. Synthetic brushes should be completely avoided for this purpose, as they can irritate the skin. You can purchase a quality skin brush through health-food stores and some beauty supply outlets and pharmacies. Keep the brush dry and never use it for bathing.

How to Brush Your Skin

The brush must be dry, as well as the body. The best time to brush is before taking a bath or shower. Begin by brushing from the outermost points (your hands and feet) toward the center of your body. Pass the brush once over every part of the body surface except the face.

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There should be no back and forth motion, circular motion, scrubbing, or massaging; one clean sweep is all that is needed. A slight flushing of the skin is normal due to the increased circulation, but if your skin turns red you are brushing too hard.

The total process takes less than two or three minutes. Skin brushing should be performed once or twice per day. It would take thirty minutes or more of lufa (or loofah) or Turkish towel massage to get similar benefits.

When you're finished, take a warm bath or shower. You will feel an invigorating, tingling sensation throughout your body.

Thia article excerpted from the book: I was Poisoned by my body by Gloria Gilbere. This article was excerpted with permission from the book:

I was Poisoned by my body
by Gloria Gilbere
Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Lucky Press. ©2001.
Info/Order this book (out of print but available from Amazon vendors).


Invisible Illnesses (2nd edition)
by Gloria Gilbere

Click here, for more info and/or to order this book.

About the Author

Gloria Gilbere, author of the article: Skin Brushing for the Lymphatic System

Gloria Gilbere, N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D., is a doctor of naturopathy and natural health and a Diplomate of the Academy of Homeopathy. She's an internationally respected practitioner and lecturer, consultant in EcoErgonomics, natural medicine researcher, health educator, and one of America's leading advocates of integrative and preventive medicine. She studied homeopathy, environmental psychology, nutrition, herbology, and Chinese medicine with masters in the United States, China, Argentina, England, Spain and Switzerland. Dr. Gilbere has helped thousands worldwide recover from "dead-end" symptom-care. Visit her website at

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