How You Can Remove Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals from Your Body

How You Can Remove Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals from Your Body

Removing Heavy Metals & Toxic Chemicals from Your Body

While toxic chemicals can be eliminated by passing through your body's detox organs, there are also methods by which you can remove toxic chemicals from your body more directly.

The following methods will work even if you do nothing else, but the best results will come from reducing toxic exposures, supporting your detox system, and strengthening your detox organs as well.

The following are some tried-and-true methods for removing toxic chemicals from your body, which will help relieve your body's toxic burden. 


Garlic, cilantro, and chlorella are widely known to detox a variety of neurotoxicants, including heavy metals, biotoxins, man-made industrial toxics (icnluding dioxin, phthalates, formaldehyde, insecticides, PCBs, and others), food preservatives and colors, fluoride, parabens, and others.

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Some practitioners use large amounts of these foods for supervised detoxes to remove toxics quickly; however, you can use these three foods in your normal diet to gently benefit from their specific detox properties.


Garlic contains numerous sulfur components that oxidize mercury, cadmium, and lead, making these metals water-soluble. This makes it easier for your body to excrete these metals.

Whole cloves of garlic need to be chopped, pressed or grated, cooked, or chewed to stimulate the garlic's healing properties.

Cilantro (Chinese Parsley)

Cilantro is known to bind to mercury, cadmium, lead, aluminum, and other heavy metals, making it easier for your body to excrete these toxic metals through your kidneys. 

A hospital in Japan, run by a Dr. Omura, was doing a study on heavy-metal poisoning with one hundred patients. One day, for no apparent reason, the patients suddenly started to pass heavy metals in their urine.

The doctors looked around for the cause of this. It turned out there was a new cook who served soup before all meals. In every bowl of soup he added "Vietnamese parsley," otherwise known as cilantro.

All metals were removed with the cilantro.

Detox Your Body Using Cilantro

How You Can Remove Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals from Your Body To detox your body using cilantro, the recommended amount is to take 1/4 cup of fresh packed cilantro stems and leaves once daily for one to three weeks, along with Pascalite clay, 1 to 2 teaspoons in water three times daily. The clay helps to move the metal-laden cilantro through your intestines.

Dr. Omura also discovered that his patients suffered from fewer colds and less flu after removing the heavy metals because it seems that viruses and bacteria like to congregate in organs contaminated by heavy metals. His patients also had fewer herpes outbreaks after remov­ing these heavy metals.

A friend of mine makes a wonderful tomato salsa, to which she just adds a lot of cilantro. If you don't like the taste of cilantro, you can take a cilantro tincture.


Chlorella is a blue-green algae whole-food supplement. It also is known to bind to heavy metals, including cadmium, uranium, and lead, making it easier for your body to excrete them.

When choosing a brand of chlorella, it's important to choose one with a "broken cell wall". It's the cell wall that binds with the heavy metals. If you swallow the cell intact, it will not bind to the metals.


Sweat is the method used by your skin to remove poisons and wastes from your body. You can encourage your body to sweat by exercising, wearing warm clothing, using hot packs, sitting in the sun, taking hot showers, and other methods.

Though by itself sweat is not a major route of excretion of toxic chemicals, when accelerated by rigorous use of a sauna, sweat becomes a very effective method for removing toxic chemicals from your body.

Activated Liquid Zeolite

This is what I take to remove toxic chemicals from my body. Activated liquid zeolite is a very simple form of chelation therapy.

Activated liquid zeolite attracts and holds heavy metals in your blood, making it easier for your body to excrete them through your kidneys, and it does so using simple tasteless, colorless, odorless drops you can take at home, at an affordable price, without removing essential nutrients.

It can remove a wide variety of toxic substances from your body, including:

* Heavy metals, in this order: mercury, lead, tin, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, antimony, nickel, then others.

* Radioactive metals like cesium and strontium 90.

Activated liquid zeolite does not directly bind to toxic chemicals, such as pesticides, herbicides, endocrine disruptors and dioxins, however, by reducing the toxic load to the liver, the liver becomes more able to remove these other chemicals using your body's own detoxification process.

This article was adapted with permission from the book:

How You Can Remove Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals from Your BodyToxic Free: How to Protect Your Health & Home from the Chemicals That Are Making You Sick
by Debra Lynn Dadd.

Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA). ©2011 by Debra Lynn

Click here for more info or to order this book on Amazon.

About the Author

How You Can Remove Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals from Your Body Debra Lynn Dadd brings more than thirty years of research and real-life experience to her work as a an internationally recognized consumer advocate specializing in identifying products that are safe and environmentally responsible. She works as a consultant, lecturer, and writer to promote healthy living. Her books on household toxics have been continuously in print in various editions since 1984. Visit her website at

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