Yoga Belly With Adriene

Learn to reside in the role of the observer and hop on the mat for this special Yoga Belly practice!

Our relationship to our belly needs some love, it needs some real work. It’s going to take us being brave enough, kind enough, bold enough to slip back into the role of the observer to notice our thoughts and words and how they make us feel.

Everyone is talking about Yoga Booty, but why are we not talking about Yoga Belly??

In this practice, take some time to connect to your center by breathing into and sending loving awareness to this very important area of the body.

Ring out the internal organs with some gentle twisting and elongate the front body.

Lower stress levels and reduce blood pressure with deep, diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing.

This practice serves as an invitation to check in and see how your thoughts about your body, specifically the belly, make you feel.
Does your relationship to your belly need a little (or a lot) of love?


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