Joanna’s Story: From Breast Cancer to Healing and Alignment (Video)

Narrated by the author.

Joanna's story:                                                                           
Type of cancer at our first session: breast cancer
Dominant character defence: rigid

Small in stature but big in personality—that was how Joanna struck me when I first met her. Her most striking features were her eyes. They were hidden behind a pair of round glasses and it was not that they were big, but they were wide open, as if looking forward to our meeting, to meetings in general, to life itself, to the future. Her stride was resolute, her posture erect, her approach direct and open, her handshake firm.

All in all, she oozed confidence. This confidence may have developed through her job as a very successful director in the corporate world in the North of England, or there again, perhaps confidence had been a prerequisite for the job.

Her story is short and sweet. I include it here because it is uncomplicated and straightforward—very much like the woman herself, with her come-on-let’s-go-for-it attitude.

Healing and Alignment

As client/healer we met for a single series of treatments: four appointments spread out over one week. To me, she was a classic example of how easily and fast healing can occur when the physical body, emotional release, mental attitude and spiritual faith are in alignment and only need some support or clarification for sessions to be successful.

Roughly six months before we met, Joanna had discovered a lump...

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Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay

About the Author

photo of Tjitze de JongTjitze de Jong is a teacher, complementary therapist, and energy healer (Brennan Healing Science) specializing in cancer, with more than 20 years’ experience in his field. In 2007, he founded Tjitze’s Energetic Cellular Healing School (TECHS), sharing healing skills with practitioners around the world. The author of Cancer, A Healer’s Perspective, he is based within the spiritual community of Findhorn, Scotland. 

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