Image by Maja Cvetojević
Essential oil history is complex, vast, and spans the world. The different ways that people have used essential oils throughout history is intriguing, and sometimes unbelievable. Essential oils are mentioned over one hundred times in the Christian Bible.
Our ancestors were extremely awe-inspiring in the ways they incorporated essential oils into not just healing and saving lives, but in every aspect of their daily routines and healing methods. Herbs, plants, and the oils derived from them, were the main components of healing in every culture on earth for hundreds of thousands of years.
The usage of essential oils has been found by anthropologists to date as far back as 2800 BC, and some cave drawings suggest that the plants and herbs were turned into oils thousands of years before that. People used the oils as a way to protect themselves from insects, as aromatics, and for culinary uses.
People today want to heal from the inside out without relying on pharmaceuticals or chemicals that can often have devastating side effects. They want natural ways to incorporate emotional, mental, and spiritual healing into their lives and the lives of their friends and families. People the world over are turning to more natural, healthy, and simple ways of healing.
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From Aromatics to Healing
The first people to document the way that they used essential oils in healing were in Egypt and the Middle East. They used the oils for aromatics, and eventually discovered that the oils led to healing and even changed emotions when used at various times.
The oils were often forbidden to the poorer people, and used mainly by royalty and the upper classes. Doctors of ancient times were eventually allowed to treat people with the oils, and their healing benefits quickly spread throughout the world.
One of the most widely known instances in the history of essential oils was the embalming of the deceased by Egyptians. They incorporated essential oils with various ingredients to mummify their dead, and some of those embalmed mummies are intact today, thousands of years later.
Trade routes were developed in Egypt and the Middle East to carry, sell, and spread the essential oils to various cultures, cities, and countries. Great cities around the world today were developed on these trade routes, and their economic commerce depended on the availability of the plants and trees from which the oils were made.
Ancient Scholars used the oils in treating and healing the sick, and taught others to use the oils. Hippocrates, Pliny, Jesus, Socrates all were proponents of essential oil usage, and some of the methods that they utilized are forever written in ancient texts.
In the Far East, processes of using aromatics flourished. The Chinese developed trade routes to India and other countries of the world to trade, buy, and sell oils, herbs, and spices. Japan further increased the use of essential oils through their distillation processes.
The English, the Italians and the Spanish soon got in on the lucrative spice and oil trades. More knowledge of essential oil’s healing properties spread to almost every country in the world. These nations brought their knowledge of essential oils to the Americas, where it flourishes today.
Essential oils were used as currency in many areas of the world, and were thought to be worth more than gold. Expeditions to discover new lands were developed due to the oil and spice trades. Because of these ambitious and adventurous people, the various cultures and countries of the world worked together to reach new and distant lands to obtain the precious oils.
Millions of lives have been saved throughout history by ancient doctors, shamans, and healers discovering therapeutic properties in plants, and then condensing those plants into oils that work to eradicate certain diseases, treat mental illnesses, heal infections, and reduce pain. I believe we can learn so much from our ancestors about healing inside and out by using essential oils.
Essential oils have been used in every religion on earth at one time or another. History shows us that herbs, oils, and plants have been closely tied to numerous worship rituals and rites. Many of those religions continue to use essential oils today to have a closer connection with their higher power, increase emotional responses of faith, and develop their own soul’s journey.
From Healing to Pleasure
Pleasure is the state of the brain that provides you with happiness, contentment, joy, and overall good feelings. Finding pleasure in things is sometimes a matter of perception. While one person thinks that a walk in the woods is hot, tiresome, and annoying, another person may think it is very pleasurable. Finding pleasure can be as easy as thinking positively.
These essential oils have been used for thousands of years to open the pleasure centers in our brains. Follow your diffuser directions for using essential oils in your particular brand of diffuser.
Recipes for Pleasure
Essential Oils: frankincense, juniper, melissa, myrrh, neroli, rose, and yarrow
Pagan’s Aroma: Having this aroma drift throughout your home or office can bring a lot of pleasure to those fortunate enough to be in the vicinity. These essential oils bring pleasing memories and positive attitudes to the surface.
Yield: 1 application
5 drops neroli oil
5 drops juniper oil
Ensure that your diffuser does not use heat, but runs by vibration, sound waves, or another cold-steam type of process. Run your diffuser as needed to permeate the air with therapeutic properties.
Heavenly Hands: This hand rub is quick and effective at bringing pleasurable feelings to your mind, body, and soul. I love to have this handy on those days that I am feeling anxious or down. I just dip my fingers in, rub, and inhale!
Yield: 1 tablespoon
3 drops rose oil
3 drops melissa oil
1 tablespoon grape seed oil
Combine the ingredients together into a small bowl. Dip one hand into the bowl until fingers are covered in the oils. Rub hands together for 5 minutes, rinse and repeat as needed. Ensure that the oils have been completely absorbed into your skin before touching furniture, clothing, etc., or oils will stain. You may pour remainder into a jar with a tight-fitting lid in a cool, dark area for up to 1 month.
Spiritual Exalting Inhale: Sometimes, simply inhaling an aroma from essential oils can bring immense pleasure.
Just take a whiff of this the next time you are down and see if your spirits lift a little.
Yield: 1 application
1 drop frankincense oil
Apply to the palm of your hand, an oil inhaler, or a tissue. Bring the essential oils close to your nostrils and inhale the aroma deeply. You can cover one nostril at a time with your thumb and, if you prefer, alternate nostrils. This process sends the properties straight to your brain and the effects are immediate. You can complete this procedure 3–4 times daily.
Pleasurable Lotion: This lotion has the essential oils that were used by kings and queens to induce pleasurable emotions when they desired. Now you can have the same thing because this easily-made recipe uses essential oils that are readily available to bring pleasure and joy whenever you rub it in.
Yield: 1 fluid ounce
3 drops melissa oil
3 drops juniper oil
2 drops frankincense oil
1 ounce unscented body lotion
Add the recommended amount of essential oils to any brand of mild unscented lotion. Whisk until thoroughly mixed. Apply lotion to body as needed. Store unused portion in a jar with a tight-fitting lid in a cool, dark area for up to three months.
©2019 by Vannoy Gentles Fite. All Rights Reserved.
Excerpted with permission. Published by:
Llewellyn Worldwide (
*Direct links to purchase the above oils and ingredients are provided by, selected for quality, organic when possible, and lowest price. Several of the above organic oils are also available in a boxed set. gets approx. 5% commission when you use the above links to purchase these oils on Amazon. Thank you.
Article Source
Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing: More Than 400 Aromatherapy Recipes for Mind, Emotions & Spirit
by Vannoy Gentles FiteThroughout the ages, essential oils have been used to address a wide variety of mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Bring this ancient knowledge into your modern life with Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing. Featuring more than 400 step-by-step recipes, this comprehensive guide makes it easy for you to take control of your wellness and spiritual journey. (Also available as a Kindle edition.)
About the Author
Vannoy Gentles Fite (Saltillo, TX) is a certified Ayurvedic life coach, a certified herbalist, a certified aromatherapist, and a licensed yoga instructor. She believes wholeheartedly in natural healing methods, yoga, Ayurveda, and living mindfully and sustainably. Visit her website at