Healing Essential Oil Recipes to Cope With and Eradicate Anxiety and Anger

Healing Essential Oil Recipes to Cope With and Eradicate Anxiety and Anger
Image by silviarita

Coming from a family of high-strung, addictive, compulsive, and emotionally wounded members, I have thought, studied, and researched mood-enhancing and emotional healing methods all of my life. Learning how to cope with and eradicate cer­tain negative influences and to promote positivity has been at the forefront of my brain since I was a young girl. Studying natural versus pharmaceutical healing is a lifelong passion of mine.

Essential oils have proven to be the answer to my quest. Essential oils can have so many beneficial effects on every aspect of our daily lives and on the lives of those around us. I can use these without anyone even being aware that I am protecting myself from their negative moods, or that I am changing their outlooks on the day with a dose of positive oils in the air. I can take myself from a lethargic couch potato to an efficient multitasker in five minutes flat with a dose of these mood-enhancing beauties.

 Using natural healing techniques can pro­foundly affect our mental and physical health without causing further harm, which is often not the case with pharmaceuticals. Learning how essential oils can actually have a physical effect on the different areas of the brain, how molecules from the oils can cross that blood/brain barrier, has always been fascinating to me. The fact that by simply smelling an oil can alter how we think or feel is totally mind-blowing when you think about it. But it’s true.

I have spent over twenty years researching the emotional effects of essential oils on mental, emotional, and spiritual needs and deficits. I am an essential oil consultant and researcher by profession. My life has been devoted to the study and safe usage of essential oils.

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Recipes for Emotions

There are more emotions in you than can even be named. You can feel complete bliss and joy at the simple smile of an infant, or utter devastation by the expression on a friend’s face. Essential oils have been proven time and again to help you to achieve the emotions you desire and curb the emotions that plague you. For thousands of years cultures all over earth have used essential oils to help control emotional needs.

The skin is a very good conductor of essential oils. Science has shown that within seconds of applying essential oils to the soles of the feet, or to other areas of the body, every cell within you has evidence of that oil being present. These cells transport the therapeutic properties of these oils to the areas of the brain responsible for emotions, giving us peace, calm, relaxation, energy, and a myriad of other boosts to portions of our emotional selves.

Editor’s Note: We are publishing two of the recipes here, just from the letter “A” from the list of many more in the author's book.


You know that feeling when you’re not quite angry, but you’re extremely annoyed, and the feeling persists throughout the day with everything you do and everyone you meet? That’s being agitated and the causes of agitation are numerous. Calming and relaxing essential oils can have you feeling peaceful and grounded again in no time at all.

Essential Oils

Bergamot, dill, cedarwood, chamomile, eucalyptus, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, lemon, neroli, orange, Palo Santo, patchouli, peppermint, petitgrain, Roman chamo­mile, rose, sandalwood, tea tree, and vetiver

Balm Bomb

Apply these essential oils and blast that agitated feeling to smithereens. When every little sentence out of my husband’s mouth makes me roll my eyes in agitation, I bring out the balm bomb to soothe my spirit and soul and make me smile instead of get all tight-lipped toward him. These calming and healing therapeutic properties will ground you and have you smiling in no time.

Yield: 1 fluid ounce


1 ounce carrier oil
1–2 ounces beeswax pellets
4 drops vitamin E oil
6 drops lavender oil
6 drops bergamot oil
6 drops sandalwood oil

Heat the beeswax and the carrier oil in a glass bowl on low on the stovetop or in the microwave for 1 1/2–2 min­utes, until just melted. If you open the door every 15 seconds, you can avoid the popping of the wax and oil and overheating. Carefully remove the container from the microwave and stir. Drip a drop of the melted oil and wax onto the counter, and after one minute check for consistency. If it is too thin, add more beeswax to the container; if it is too thick, add more carrier oil. Add the vitamin E oil and the essential oil to the heated mixture in the container. Whisk lightly, and it will begin hardening immediately. Pour into containers. Ensure your containers are glass or tin to prevent leeching of chemicals. Once cool, apply to wrists, tem­ples, neck, or soles of feet. Do not apply to mucus membranes, eyes, genitals or open wounds. Label containers and store in a dark, dry area for up to one year.

Fingers of Calm

This little hand rub recipe has the power to banish negative energy and replace it with positive energy. Let your hands absorb these oils and every time you get them near your face, the calming and happy feelings from inhaling the properties will flood you and you won’t feel agitated anymore. The hands are great conductors of essential oils into the body and straight to the brain, which fills you with the positive healing benefits of this blend.

Yield: 1/2 ounce


3 drops Palo Santo oil
3 drops rose oil
3 drops petitgrain oil
1/2 ounce carrier oil
4 drops vitamin E oil

Combine the ingredients together into a small bowl. Dip one hand into the bowl until fingers are covered in the oils. Rub hands together for 5–15 minutes, rinse if desired, and repeat as often as needed. Ensure that the oils have been completely absorbed into your skin before touching furniture, clothing, etc., or oils may stain. I sometimes wear gloves throughout the night over the oils to ensure that the therapeutic proper­ties are absorbed to their fullest all-night long. Pour the remainder into a jar with a tight­fitting lid, and store in a cool, dark area for up to 1 month.

Relax That Jaw

When stress, tension, and agitation are present, we tend to clench our jaws and teeth. This diffuser will help you to relax your muscles, thereby reducing your agitation and stress. I love the effects and aromas of these oils in this diffuser and run them often.

Yield: 1 application


5 drops frankincense oil
5 drops neroli oil
5 drops cedarwood oil

Follow your diffuser directions for using essential oils in your particular brand of dif­fuser. Ensure that your diffuser does not use heat, but runs by vibration, sound waves, or another cold-steam type of process. Choose the essential oils needed for your con­dition, then add water and oils to diffuser. Run your diffuser as needed to permeate the air with therapeutic properties and achieve the results you desire. This blend will allow you to receive the desired effect, reduce agitation, and relax that jaw.


Anxiety is a feeling caused by stress, fear, or it can be from an unknown cause. A per­son with anxiety often worries, feels afraid, and cannot cope normally in a calm or re­laxed manner. Essential oils can help to alleviate fears and worries and bring a person peace, calm, and joy.

Essential Oils

Basil, chamomile, clary sage, cypress, frankincense, geranium, hyssop, jasmine, juni­per, lavender, lemon, marjoram, melissa, neroli, orange, peppermint, petitgrain, rose, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang

Fearless Oil

This is a massage oil to use for those times you are very worried and anxious about the outside world. Everything just seems to drop away while you melt into a peaceful dreamy state of relaxation. I like to use this when I am going to have a party or some company and I know it’s going to be fun, but I just have stress and anxiety about triv­ial concerns. I use this massage blend on my chest and neck and will soon feel relaxed, happy, and calm in just minutes and am then assured that I am present enough to help others to feel more at ease. This blend works well due to its nervine and antidepres­sant properties.

Yield: 1 fluid ounce


2 drops lavender oil
2 drops marjoram oil
2 drops jasmine oil
4 drops vitamin E oil
1 ounce carrier oil

Pour the essential oils and the carrier oil into a small glass container, bowl, or jar. Swirl to mix the ingredients and use to massage lightly the area desired, such as neck, chest, back, temples, or soles of feet. Keep essential oil mixture away from open wounds, mucus membranes, genitals, eyes, and sensitive areas. Repeat application as needed. Store unused portion in a glass jar or container with a tight-fitting lid in a cool, dark area for up to 3 months.

Power Up

This rub has been reputed to whisk away your fears and fill you with the power you need to confront the issues at hand. These essential oils are perfect for empowerment and determination and letting all those worries drift away. Find support in the antide­pressant and stimulating properties inherent in these oils.

Yield: 1/2 ounce


2 drops orange oil
2 drops jasmine oil
2 drops cypress oil
3 drops vitamin E oil
1/2 ounce carrier oil

Pour the essential oils, carrier oil, and any remaining ingredients into a small glass container, bowl, or jar. Swirl or whisk to mix the ingredients and apply lightly to the area desired. Keep essential oil mixture away from open wounds, mucus membranes, genitals, eyes, and sensitive areas. Repeat application as needed, usually 2–3 times daily. You may cover area with linen or cloth to protect clothing and furniture. Store unused portion in a glass jar or container with a tight-fitting lid in a cool, dark area for up to 3 months.

No Fear Inhale

This aroma will provide a quick boost of confidence when going for a job interview or other anxiety-provoking situation. Calming and sedative therapeutic properties work to ease your fears, thereby enabling you to think clearly and precisely. Help to take control of your fears and worries by breathing in this powerful blend.

Yield: 1 application


1 drop frankincense oil
1 drop lavender oil

Apply to the palm of your hand, an oil inhaler, or a tis­sue. Bring the essential oils close to your nostrils and inhale the aroma deeply. You can cover one nostril at a time with your thumb and, if you prefer, alternate nostrils. This process sends the properties straight to your brain and the effects are immediate. You can complete this process 3–4 times daily.

©2019 by Vannoy Gentles Fite. All Rights Reserved.
Excerpted with permission. Published by:
Llewellyn Worldwide (www.llewellyn.com)

*Direct links to purchase the above oils and ingredients are provided by InnerSelf.com, selected for quality, organic when possible, and lowest price. Several of the above organic oils are also available in a boxed set. InnerSelf.com gets approx. 5% commission when you use the above links to purchase these oils on Amazon. Thank you.

Article Source

Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing: More Than 400 Aromatherapy Recipes for Mind, Emotions & Spirit
by Vannoy Gentles Fite

Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing: More Than 400 Aromatherapy Recipes for Mind, Emotions & Spirit by Vannoy Gentles FiteThroughout the ages, essential oils have been used to address a wide variety of mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Bring this ancient knowledge into your modern life with Essential Oils for Emotional Wellbeing. Featuring more than 400 step-by-step recipes, this comprehensive guide makes it easy for you to take control of your wellness and spiritual journey. (Also available as a Kindle edition.)

click to order on amazon

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About the Author

Vannoy Gentles FiteVannoy Gentles Fite (Saltillo, TX) is a certified Ayurvedic life coach, a certified herbalist, a certified aromatherapist, and a licensed yoga instructor. She believes wholeheartedly in natural healing methods, yoga, Ayurveda, and living mindfully and sustainably. Visit her website at http://www.VannoyFite.Blogspot.com

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