Homemade Ice Cream Recipe

Learn to make easy, healthy homemade Neapolitan ice-cream using frozen bananas as the base. This ice cream is thick, creamy and super delicious. The flavor and texture are just like a traditional soft-serve ice-cream but without any dairy or refined sugars.

You can make this ice-cream ahead of time and keep it in the freezer until you are ready to serve. This is a cold, creamy refreshing treat that you feel good about eating all summer long!

Vanilla Ice-Cream
3 frozen bananas
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk

Blend all ingredients in a food processor or high-speed blender until thick and creamy. Transfer into the loaf pan, pushing all of the ice-cream to 1/3rd of the pan. Pop pan in the freezer.

Chocolate Ice-Cream
3 frozen bananas
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk

Blend all ingredients in a food processor or high-speed blender until thick and creamy. Transfer into the center of the loaf pan. Pop pan in the freezer.

Strawberry Ice-Cream
2 frozen bananas
1 cup of frozen strawberries
2 teaspoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk

Blend all ingredients in a food processor or high-speed blender until thick and creamy. Transfer into the last 3rd of the loaf pan. Pop pan in the freezer.

Freeze for a minimum of 2 hours or until it is set up and easy to scoop.

If you freeze the ice-cream for longer, it will become hard SO just be sure to give it a few extra minutes to soften before scooping. ENJOY!


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