Planetary Healing: Living in Conscious Harmony with Nature

Planetary Healing: Living in Conscious Harmony with Nature

The time of the Great Healing is upon us, as is indicated in many prophecies ranging from the Book of Revelation in the Bible to the words of ancient Hopis and Mayans. All of these speak of a time of purification, after which a new world will flourish. The Hopis refer to this new world as the Fifth World, while the Navaho call it the Fifth Hoop.

The Great Healing is a time of huge paradigm shift or, as Richard Boylan reports from the Star Visions Conference held by Lakota peoples in Colorado,

"Fifth World society is shaped by the feminine paths of cooperation, nonaggression, inclusiveness, noncompetitiveness, service rather than dominance, use of psychic and spiritual gifts as well as technology, and living in conscious harmony with nature's ways."

Huge Evolutionary Movement: Living in Conscious Harmony with Nature's Ways

This move into living in conscious harmony with nature's ways is exactly what Plant Spirit Healing accomplishes. It helps people come into their own true nature, which is in alignment with the greater nature. Because of plants' predominance on the planet, their great sensitive intelligence, and their ability to heal on all levels, they are the ones to bring about massive healing during this major shifting time. Plants are actually instigating this huge evolutionary movement that is spiritual in nature. Plants have always preceded humans in evolution.

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The Hopi Prophecy mentions this,

"The emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being made of the humble people of little nations, tribes and racial minorities. You can read this in the Earth itself. Plant forms from previous Worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in our hearts. All these are the same."

This is not a metaphor. The seeds referred to in this prophecy are actual spiritual plant seeds that will grow into a new way of life on this planet — one of peace, one of harmony, one of living in accordance with the laws of nature in a sustainable way.

Plant Spirits: Helping Us in Our Spiritual Evolution

Planetary Healing: Living in Conscious Harmony with Nature Orchid suddenly appeared in the woods by my house. This is one of the plant spirits that helps us transition into the Fifth World. It not only helps people in their spiritual evolution but it helps the earth in its transitioning as well. The fact that this little Orchid has come to me and to this piece of land gives me hope and courage for the future. I feel it came because our intentions and prayers have been so strong.

We are committed to the earth, the green beings, and the water, treating them as if they were relatives, relying on them as guides, and always giving back through ceremony and loving-kindness. Our commitment carries beyond the boundaries of this property; we are spokespersons for the earth and her green beings, everywhere we go. I have made a flower essence of Orchis spectabilis, and I bring it with me to other places to give to the earth. I am not so presumptuous to think that I am healing the earth, but I do believe that Orchis has this power.

The Great Healing: The Healing of the Earth & All Her Beings

The Great Healing that is upon us is the healing of the earth and all her beings. We can assist that healing by healing ourselves and others with plant spirits. When we come into alignment with our true nature, a shift in consciousness takes place and we align with the larger nature.

In this alignment there is no room for unsustainable living where the earth is regarded as a commodity to be used as we see fit. As Deep Ecologist John Seed says, "The change that is required of us is not some new resistance to radiation, but a change in consciousness." Our healing, then, is the healing of the earth.

Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Bear  & Company,
an imprint of Inner Traditions International.

This article was adapted with permission from the book:

Planetary Healing: Living in Conscious Harmony with NaturePlant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness
by Pam Montgomery.

Indigenous healers and shamans have known since antiquity that plants possess a spirit essence that can communicate through light, sound, and vibration. Now scientific studies are verifying this understanding. Plant Spirit Healing is a hands-on approach to working with the healing powers of plant spirits to join with human intelligence to bring about profound healing.

For More Info or to Order This Book.

About the Author

Planetary Healing: Living in Conscious Harmony with Nature Pam Montgomery has been investigating plants and their intelligent spiritual nature since 1986. She is a founding member of the Northeast Herbal Association and is on the Advisory Board of United Plant Savers. The author of Partner Earth: A Spiritual Ecology and contributing author in Planting the Future, she is a practicing herbalist and plant spirit healer who offers trainings and treatments from her home in Danby, Vermont. Visit her website at

For more articles by this author, click here.


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