Healing Through Love and Finding Answers From the Heart

Healing Through Love and Finding Answers From the Heart

The magnificence and perfection of each of us simply is. We do not have to become monks in order to lead spiritual, healthy lives. We do not have to be vegetarians, or wear flowing robes, or sit in meditation for hours each day. There is no spiritual "path," because everything is spiritual and all choices are equal. We can work and be parents, husbands, wives, daughters, sons, brothers and sisters, honoring Self and others in each moment. No one is greater than another, for we are all the same. We are here because we chose to experience Self as God. And we all are God.

What we should always honor is our responsibility to Self. We can choose to experience each day in peace, in order to communicate with the silence within. We can choose to honor the physical and never harbor it any ill will. We can choose to perceive ourSelves as perfect, just as we can choose to see perfection in all things and all people.

What Is Your Experience?

Imagine how wonderful it would be if we could visit medical professionals and, rather than asking, "What is wrong?" they would ask instead, "What is your experience?" This simple dialogue would enable us to maintain personal power, rather than diminish our role as a partner and healer. It would also remove judgment, for illness is not "wrong"; it is simply a creation through choice. As we embrace responsibility for Self, we learn to make choices in selfLove.

When we love ourSelves, we cannot fool ourSelves into believing we are what we are not. Many people perceive their realities so differently from their truth. When asked, many clients tell me that they drink so much water each day, and yet, when pushed to count the number, some barely get to four glasses per day. Many people purchase nutritional supplements and forget to take them; many eat unhealthful foods, thinking they are fooling someone outside of themSelves; and many are in denial of their emotional make-up, refusing to see their reactions to others as the truth of who they are.

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Responsibility for Each Moment of Our Lives

As we acknowledge that we are God, we then embrace responsibility for each moment of our lives. We have always created our lives, but when we understand and accept our power, we begin to choose to live in joy...and love.

Health and well-being are experienced through choice. We should never take a moment of our lives for granted; nor should we take anything for granted, for that matter. We can always choose to make the time to honor the people in our lives, as well as the environment we have chosen. Most importantly, we should honor the magnificence of Self.

If you are suffering from any ailment in this moment, know in your heart that it exists as your Teacher. You are the Student. You can choose to learn from your creation of illness by looking into your heart. Discern your choices of self-Love prior to this moment. Accept the responsibility for this perfect creation. Acknowledge your experience as it is. Honor yourSelf from this moment forth, on all levels of mind, body and spirit. Choose to live fully and powerfully. And celebrate being you!

Releasing Judgment of Everyone & Everything

When experiencing love, you recognize the perfection of Self and the perfection of All. We can all choose to learn to release judgment of everyone and everything around us. Why is it that, when we look upon a tree with damaged branches, we accept the tree as it is with its perceived imperfection, yet, in many instances, when we look upon another person we judge as imperfect, we turn away? As you come into the acceptance of your own perfection, you cannot help but see perfection in all things.

Self-empowerment offers you all the tools you need to create wellness in your body. There is no one outside yourSelf who can heal you, although many can help you release the physical symptoms of your creation. It is important to recognize that, as creator of your illness, you are equally the healer of your illness. The root cause should be addressed, and it is important to face your choices of self-diminishment and to release them once and for all, in order to move into the rest of your life in harmony and balance.

The Answers Are Within Your Heart

Stop looking outside yourSelf for answers. You have all the answers within your heart. We each, as human Beings who have chosen this physical existence, are here with great purpose. Choose to accept yourSelf unconditionally, and then embrace the choices necessary to change your life and the experience of selfLove. Illness is nothing more than an experience of life and living. You have the power to change the choices which brought forth this experience and live in total joy and love.

Learn to flow in joy each moment. Release judgment of Self and others. Appreciate the small wonders of your life. Share good thoughts and release all other thoughts. Honor your body and your soul. Choose activities which bring you joy. Accept and embrace your power and use it purposefully and honorably. Share your love, and love yourSelf. And as this way of choosing to live each moment of your day becomes a pattern for your life, know that you will not only heal yourSelf, but you will heal all others...through love.

Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
Healing Arts Publishing. ©

Article Source:

Healing Through Love by Marilyn Innerfeld. Healing Through Love
by Marilyn Innerfeld

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About the Author

Marilyn InnerfeldMarilyn Innerfeld is co-founder of The Worldwide Center located in Evergreen, Colorado. She is a medical intuitive, a certified hypnotherapist, and a long-time member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. Marilyn has studied nutritional therapies as well as Chinese medicine. She has a mastery of past-life regression in her work as a hypnotherapist, but is currently focused on total wellness through the elimination of present-life issues and blocks. Marilyn has healed from cancer and uses her personal experience to assist her in her work.

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