3 Easy Healthy Salad Recipes

These three new easy, healthy salad recipes are the perfect way to work more fresh, seasonal ingredients into your diet. Each salad is simple to make, super nutritious and insanely delicious. Many the ingredients can be found in your garden or at the local farmers market.

The three clean eating salads that I am sharing include an artichoke, asparagus + green bean salad, a raw zucchini and tomato salad and a beet salad with arugula, walnuts and feta cheese. Each one would be great to bring along to a bbq or cookout and also makes a great, light meal on their own. Enjoy!

Artichoke Asparagus Green Bean Salad: https://tinyurl.com/y4uc74gw
Raw Zucchini Tomato Salad: https://tinyurl.com/yxpovuk7
Beet Salad with Arugula: https://tinyurl.com/y25xtqns


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