Experiencing Our Cells on Life's Healing Journey (Video)

Written by Barry Grundland, M.D. and Patricia Kay, M.A..
Narrated by Marie T. Russell

“Go sit in your cell
and your cell will teach you

~Ascribed to one of the Desert Fathers,
Christian monks in the Scetes Desert of Egypt

Life, by its very nature is … alive! Because it is alive, it is not just responding in a set, mechanical way, but rather it is responsive to what is needed and helpful and useful.

Cells might be considered as an archetypal template for life. They are the smallest unit of life. Once they are given a job, a function, they take on an identity and leap into the cell community as participants in life.

The noble cells of your body can rest, take stock of the situation, and create solutions to problems. They can transform. They use creative solutions. In addition to their versatility, what makes the cells of the body so successful is their ability to cooperate! Sounds like we should be taking classes from them.  

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Getting Down To The Cells

Yes, we can get all the way down to the cells. In fact, anything that you are doing or thinking is also, in some way, going on in the cells, no? It’s already happening, and you can learn to shift into states of awareness in which you can be co-creative and engaged with what’s already going on!

Continue Reading at InnerSelf.com (plus audio/mp3 version of article)

Read by Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com

Music By Caffeine Creek Band, Pixabay

About the Authors

photo of BARRY GRUNDLAND, M.DBARRY GRUNDLAND, M.D. (1933-2016), was a psychiatrist who specialized in psychoneuroimmunology (mind-body healing).

For more than 40 years, he worked with people as a true healer with incredible insight and compassion. Cell Level Meditation was his life’s work. The meditations offered above were created by him.

photo of PATRICIA KAY, M.A., CCH, CSDPATRICIA KAY, M.A., CCH, CSD, is a homeopath, teacher, writer, and retired midwife. She studied Cell Level Meditation with Barry for 15 years and currently works as a spiritual director, guiding people to bring mind, body, and spirit into alignment using his teaching.

Visit her website at patricia-kay.com/

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