You Can Reverse Aging Now with the Antioxidant Glutathione

You Can Reverse Aging Now with the Antioxidant Glutathione
Image by 733215 from Pixabay

OK, I admit it I have lovely silver strands adorning my head and I'm noticing a few things changing in my body. I know there are surgeries, potions and supplements available to counter the effects of aging. If someone wishes to have a face-lift that’s their decision, and one I respect. I'd rather grow old gracefully and naturally. I'm less worried about how I look and more concerned with how healthy I am. It is my belief that the healthier I am the better I look.

Aging is the result of oxidative stress in which the production of free radicals is out of balance with the more protective antioxidants. And the more oxidative stress we have the quicker we age. It damages our cells and shortens telomeres. Telomeres are the repetitive DNA at the ends of our chromosomes which protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration. When these shorten, we age more quickly and are vulnerable to more disease.

So, how can we reverse oxidative stress? Antioxidants counter oxidative stress. There are abundant antioxidants in organic, vine ripened vegetables and fruits. But we often don’t eat enough or a wide enough variety.

Enter one of the most potent antioxidants - Glutathione – that will work to protect your health AND your looks!

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In my opinion, Glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants! It is a substance produced naturally in the liver and it’s also found in fruits, vegetables and meats. I consider it absolutely necessary for anti-aging, cancer prevention, heart disease, dementia, general disease prevention, and optimal health.

Our bodily production of glutathione can be impacted by many things such as pollution, radiation, trauma, toxins, and medications so it’s important to maintain a good diet and avoid pesticides, toxins and chemicals that will reduce the body’s ability to produce glutathione. Interestingly, about 1/3 of all people suffering with some degree of illness, are missing the essential genes that support healthy detoxification and glutathione production. Genetic testing will reveal if you are one of those people and if so you can begin taking glutathione in a supplement form.

As well as helping you to fight the aging process here are some of the other ways in which glutathione can help you:

  • Support the liver, kidneys and intestines which are the all-important organs for detoxification clearing heavy metals as well as many other harmful toxins and reducing oxidative stress and the effects of aging.
  • Prevents oxidative stress induced disease
  • Supports the brain in aging. Look and think better.
  • Regenerate antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
  • Support immune function, especially functioning of white blood cells and T-cell Lymphocytes, which are necessary to avoid cancers and autoimmune disease.
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Supports athletic recovery by reducing the effects of oxidative stress that occurs after endurance sports or workouts lasting longer than 1 hour.
  • Increases athletic performance
  • Might help rid gray hair.
  • Improves your skin

How to Increase Glutathione Naturally

One way to increase your glutathione levels naturally is to eat more foods rich in sulfur such as garlic, onions and the cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, kale, collards, and watercress. Additionally, plenty of exercise will increase glutathione levels while also increasing detoxification.

High intensity interval training is a good option because it involves short bursts of full-on exercise. Conversely, long bouts of exercise or long-distance training creates more oxidative stress, degeneration and tissue destruction, so try to avoid that if you’re not going to support it with some form of supplementation.

It might also be worth taking some supplements that will help your body recycle glutathione and therefore better produce and utilize it in your body. These include:

  • N-acetyl-cycstein
  • Selenium (in the form selenomethionine)
  • Methylation support: B12 (methylcobalamin NEVER use cyanocobalabin), B6 and Methyl Folate in the form of 5 methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF)
  • Vitamin C and E
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid

Taking Glutathione as a Supplement

Glutathione in pill form is hardly useable. The best source of glutathione is via an IV push, which means it is injected into a vein and that doesn’t work for everyone. An IV push can be performed by a skilled naturopath. I highly recommend this form of delivery, especially in the beginning of a gut repair protocol in order to create a faster absorption and antioxidant support as well as avoid any digestive challenges.

The second-best source of glutathione is liposomal form, which helps its absorption into the body. This delivery system is a liquid that you take in your mouth and hold under your tongue for about 20-30 seconds before swallowing.

The small molecules of a liposomal delivery supplement allow it to immediately penetrate your cells so that the nutrient gets inside. It’s the next best thing to an IV. Food consumption should be avoided for at least 20-30 minutes to help the glutathione absorb. Some products may smell and taste strongly of sulfur. There are also some other brands that might contain phospholipids, derived from soy. However, there is no soy protein so soy sensitive individuals should not fear immune reactions.

Buyer beware – not all liposomal supplements are created equally. Many companies produce liposomes that are too large to move through your cell walls hence defeating the purpose. Do your supplement research carefully.

There are thousands of scientific studies done on oxidative stress and the benefits of glutathione and its positive impact on aging and disease prevention. I encourage readers to consider adding more sulfur-rich foods to their diet as well as a using a potent liposomal glutathione. It’s one of the best ways to think, look and feel younger and healthier.

Book by this Author

Holistic Keto for Gut Health: A Program for Resetting Your Metabolism
by Kristin Grayce McGary

Holistic Keto for Gut Health: A Program for Resetting Your Metabolism by Kristin Grayce McGaryCombining the best gut-healthy elements of primal, paleo, and ketogenic nutritional plans, Kristin Grayce McGary offers a one-of-a-kind approach for optimal digestive health. Unlike the traditional keto diet, which contains inflammatory foods, her science-based, functional ketogenic program emphasizes a holistic nutritional and lifestyle plan to repair your gut while avoiding the dangers of gluten, dairy, soy, starches, sugars, chemicals, and pesticides. She reveals how nearly everyone has some degree of gut damage and explains how this impacts your immune function, energy levels, and many health issues.

Click here for more info and/or to order this paperback book. Also available in a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.

About the Author

Kristin Grayce McGaryKristin Grayce McGary LAc., MAc., CFMP®, CSTcert, CLP is a highly sought-after health and lifestyle alchemist. She is renowned for reversing annoying and debilitating health conditions and helping people to live with clarity and vitality. Kristin Grayce is also a speaker and author of Ketogenic Cure; Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Life.

Video/Presentation with Kristin Grayce McGary: Your body is speaking to you!

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